I am a last-year undergraduate student studying computer engineering at University of Tehran. My research interests include (but are not limited to 😊) algorithm design and complexity; I especially enjoy working on combinatorial optimization problems and working with discrete data structures. Recently, I’ve been working on algorithms with predictions for graph problems and the detour problem.

From July 2023 to October 2023, I was a research assistant at SUFE working on the detour problem on bounded-genus graphs under the supervision of B. Laekhanukit. Before that, I was experimenting with the partially dynamic transitive closure of graphs, with the support of A. Polak, from April 2023 to July 2023 at MPI-INF. Before that, I did my HKU summer internship with Z. Huang from July 2022 to October 2022, working on the prophet inequality problem. I’ve also had the pleasure of doing remote research with F. Foucaud and Z. Dvořák in the past.

For more details, please check my CV or contact me by email.

Contact me: borna[dot]tavassoli[at]gmail.com